How I wish I could be forever young
I wish all could be mine forever
evergreen would have become a lasting theme of mine
but time will not permit my stay

second runs beyond reproof, the short man gives an helping hand
the long man moves without anyone to say ''STOP!''
everything changes at its command
time is golden, our days are numbered

this gladdens the rich man but embitters  Lazarus
choices can't be made, the water has been spilled
trauma appears, solace disappears
the cruel mercy of time can't be underestimated

aesthetics could impress joy on the heart
the columns could still support the temple
songs could still be sung, drums could still be beaten
but age continues to embrace time

as I journey through the street of age, I leave all behind me
never to say goodbye
all I hold dearly gradually becomes volatile like the steam
my face becomes gloomy and sombre

that was why I asked wisdom the other day
''can I take them with me?''
''you can't but you can have me'', he replied
I smiled because I was freed from age


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