I wish I never met you.
My friends ask about you,
I tell them, 
I wish I never met you.
My family does the same,
I repeat like a mantra
I wish I never met you.

Loving you was a glitch,
a mistake in my system
I had to fix,
Cause I broke every rule,
principles laid,
just to love you
I wish I hadn't.

The best perfume on a lady,
The best attire she could slay in.
Her 6 inch heels making her look tall and bold.

Of all three,
You possess none.

'I love you' never sounded so empty,
useless and dim than it does now.
Your phoniness, I endured,
not anymore.
Stopping to think, will I ever miss you?
I won't, I repeat,
I won't.

You could roll you eyes, beating your lashes
'You'll never find someone like me'
I pray I don't
cause I wish I never met you.

By: ErinAyoMi

We are really sorry for the very long break, and lost in transmission. We really apologise to our followers to bear with us, we had to go on break because of some unforseen circumstances. And to our new followers, welcome aboard.

The heart wants what the heart wants.
Who even came up with that.
What if the heart chooses wrongly,
In this case I think it has,
Just as it had done in the past,
And here is why.

The brain has worked enough,
The heart has taken over.
Just few moments in service,
The heart has found a mate.
Now our hearts are paired,
More like a Bluetooth connection,
I guess we were both searching.

She has a heart of gold no doubt,
Her smile, contagious -
I could have said beautiful
Or Heavenly,
But that will leave out the part
Where  I join in her smile.
Intellectually, nobody is a match.
She hates darkness,
Don't take that poetically,
She hates it literally.
Cute aggression, that's how I feel
With her or not,
I feel like I'm home when she's around.
Her kiss - I won't tell you
But we've gotten that far
Even farther.

With all this account,
I know I'm in love with the wrong person
Cause she's not who she's meant to be.
Perfect in her own way
But not in mine.

By ErinAyoMi

We kissed in a dark room
Illuminated only by our carnal desires
It was damp and brief
I wonder if Jesus felt the same trepidation when Judas "kissed" him

Then you said we should be friends
My inner self gave a giant size chuckle
Fuck being friends.. I'd only text you on your birthdays now
So after a nap and 4 hours of hurt
I realised we'd never work

Not because i don't crave after your physical endowment
Not because your touch doesn't cause a tug on my zips
Your just not for me

So one night.
As i lay stupidly drunk
I texted you how i felt
You shouldn't have kissed me
You should have given me a clean break

Then i saw your text
Saying how you made a mistake and all
How i was the one for you
And you wanting our lips to lock again
My zips said Aye
Yet my head said Nay
So i walked away and never looked back

By; Oloworekende Adewale

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See through that smile behind it lies a little sadness
See through that courageous act behind it lies a coward
See through that strength behind it lies weakness
See through that success behind it lies pains
If only you will look more closely

See through that feeble bones behind it lies valiance
See through that little talk behind it lies wisdom
See through that bitterness behind it lies real sweetness
See through that failure behind it lies greatness
If only you will listen more

See through that coldness behind it lies a heart
See through that tears behind it lies happiness
See through that worries behind it lies calmness
See through that hallucination behind it lies reality
If only you will open up your mind

See through that dirt heap behind it lies a mansion
See through that brick behind it lies a home
See through that ignorance behind it lies a strong will
See through that rag behind it lies beauty
If only you will put more effort

See through that giant behind him lies a child
See through that tyrant behind him lies loneliness
See through that mountain behind it lies a plain
See through that bully behind him lies fears
If only you can take a closer look

By: AYODELE Feranmi

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Simply do this:
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I want to share my feelings
And I don't know how to start
But every single word I say
Is coming from my heart

The first time that I met you
All we said was "Hey"
It was really just a simple word
But it took my breath away

You were very fun to talk with
You were extremely sweet, and shy
I was in love with every thing you said
You were amazing in my mind

You fill my thoughts
You give me this drive
Though you don't know that
You make me feel like I'm someone special
Whenever you smile at what I say

For you, I'd walk across the desert
So hot, without a breeze
For you, I'd dive into the ocean
And be swallowed by the seas
(I'm not kidding)

I barely even know you,
So this may be a surprise
There's nothing that you could do wrong
Because you're flawless in my eyes

I always wonder where you are
And I wish I could be there
You're probably so far away
But I feel you everywhere.

You're the constant beating in my heart
You're the blood rushing through my veins
You're the light glowing from a moonbeam
You're the crystal droplets in the rain

You're the colors in the sunset
You're the rustling of the leaves
You're the twinkling in the nighttime stars
You're the very air I breathe

I try to convince myself
You aren't meant for me
But I lose at this grand debate
Yes, I lose to the thought of you

I think about you each day
I dream of you all week
You're the last person running through my mind
Before I drift to sleep

I'm so grateful that you're in my life
Maybe someday we'll be together
I love you, and only you
I always will - forever

By: Not to be disclosed

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He won't listen to my sweet words
abhorrence substitutes obedience
I don't think he would subscribe to me
he loves to hunt the air, that is the life he lives

the air is meant to ease your journey
but you want to catch and possess it forever
a nincompoop indeed!
you keep closing your hand thinking you have caught it

you have been fooled!
nothing is found, your fingers mock you
he doesn't care if anyone is hurt
his face has been clouded as the cloud seals the illuminance of the sun

the air controls him now, he should be the one to do so
''up and down'', ''to and fro'', he flies
he thinks he's saturated, but he still has much to learn
the great rabbi will teach him

he lacks sapience as he continues to fail helplessly
''gbuaaaaa...'' he meets his waterloo today
the air assists the combustion as it supplies oxygen
he won't dare to hunt the air never again


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I can't tell how it would be
I can't tell when it would happen
I don't know where I would be by then
probably with the Lord

the trumpeters will not hesitate to blow into the ears of the sheep
blue sky will never be their limit
they will soar far above the stars
father can't wait to see his children

fullness of his satisfaction
heaven's choir is assembled, set to host the beloved
unspeakable joy overflows, no one will caution
cladded with heavenly regalia: their righteousness

the hopeless will find it hard to believe
great fear and deep dolor will be their companion
see what they have brought upon themselves
wrath commences to preach

if they had wings,they would have flown
now they settle on the earth, who will save them?
I never know !!!
let see how long they will last

the street becomes dry, movements die
dusts are not raised by the metallic shelters
no time to sow the seed on the field anymore
all become suspended as the fearful hide inside the cracks of the wall

hypocrisy is put to shame, deceit can't face the unclean mob
all things be equal, who is to blame?
gold will lose its lustre
songs of woe they will sing

the king is coming
neither the beast nor the dragon tramples on him
he saves and delivers
the door is still open, who is ready to enter?


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They don't teach love,
I'm not good at this.
I'm not a fan of lessons,
But here is one I learnt from my parent.

Mama said,
"Treating a lady,
Is the same way a mother treats her baby.
Same love and caresses,
Similar food but longer dresses,
Same reason she laughs
Same tear she cries,
Babies don't know much of jealousy
but take away their toys
The result is still the same."

I'll love you like a baby,
When effects of sad moments
Flow through your eyes,
I'll hold you like a mother holds her baby,
Singing sweet lullabies and rock you steady
Till you feel safe and fall into a blissful pause
On my motherly bosom.

"She'll take a lot of shit,"
Mama said,
"That's what diapers are for,
But when they get full
Make sure you're bold enough to change 'em."
So when you're not in your best behaviour
I'll sit you down like a lady,
Reset you with words of love.
A true king never hit his lady
A true king I am.

Father said,
"Treating a lady,
Is the same way a father treats his baby.
Same words and hugs
Similar gifts but expensive ones
Same reason she fights
Same love she has
Babies don't know much about sacrifice
But give them your love
The result is still the same."

I'll love you like a baby,
Treat you like a Queen a father treats his baby,
Give you my all if all is all I have
Be your hero like my Father is to me
Fight for you hoping one day
You'll see a reason to do the same

"Dada", the first word
a father wants to hear from his baby
Slow and staggery treads of a child
Steps towards a father with arms open wide
Waiting to catch his little thing when she trips
Like a father
My heart melts when you say my name
Your voice resounding in my head
Just enough for me to strike a smile
Still like a father
I'll wait at every end
With arms open wide just in case,
The ground tries to surprise you with what's beneath

I'll love you like a baby,
Hoping the lesson I learned
Makes me love you.

By ErinAyoMi

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How I wish I could be forever young
I wish all could be mine forever
evergreen would have become a lasting theme of mine
but time will not permit my stay

second runs beyond reproof, the short man gives an helping hand
the long man moves without anyone to say ''STOP!''
everything changes at its command
time is golden, our days are numbered

this gladdens the rich man but embitters  Lazarus
choices can't be made, the water has been spilled
trauma appears, solace disappears
the cruel mercy of time can't be underestimated

aesthetics could impress joy on the heart
the columns could still support the temple
songs could still be sung, drums could still be beaten
but age continues to embrace time

as I journey through the street of age, I leave all behind me
never to say goodbye
all I hold dearly gradually becomes volatile like the steam
my face becomes gloomy and sombre

that was why I asked wisdom the other day
''can I take them with me?''
''you can't but you can have me'', he replied
I smiled because I was freed from age


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Simply do this:
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