
All my life, I was told there was a dude somewhere that loved me.
Of course I never took time to think about it or try to know him.
Why should I have.
For crying out loud they said he was capable of meeting all of my needs.
Mental, financial, whatever.
Believe me, that was all just talk.
Empty talk.
Because he wasn't there.
I lacked a lot.
I yearned to have more.
My yearnings increased.
But he wasn't there.
Or so I thought.
All I heard were stories of all the cute little things he had done.
All too good to be true.
Why both with fairy tales anyway, reality was before my very own eyes.
Only I had a wrong definition of what reality really was.
I was a slave with the worst slave master anyone could ever think of, yet I was content to be with him anyway.
The devil you know is better than the angel you don't know right?
I took the bold step of meeting the angel I didn't know.
I met Him.
He explained reality to me.
I was doomed for defeat.
My nature was nothing but hate, fear, anger, jealousy, perversion, self, and there was nothing I could do about it.
As long as I was with him at least.
Or rather, I could decide to be with Him.
What would I gain from Him that I couldn't gain from my slavemaster?
Comparing both parties is the wrongest thing to do.
One is doomed for defeat, the other as the victory already.
So what would you advise I choose?
Death or life
Bound chains or freedom
Darkness or light
Torment or peace
Hate or live
Sadness or joy
Slavery or kingly reign
What would you rather I choose?
P.S: I can leave my slavemaster whenever I want.

By: Chase

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